How To Make Friendship Bracelets

Craft Blog Hits: 2012

Friendship bracelets are a fun and easy way to show your friend how much they mean to you.  Learn the basics of how to make friendship bracelets with this video.

A friendship bracelet is a decorative bracelet given by one person to another to symbolize their friendship or fondness for one another.

Friendship bracelets can come in a variety of colors and patterns. 

how to make a friendship bracelet

Friendship bracelets are easy to make and fun to give to your friends.  It's also fun for the person receiving the bracelet because it makes them feel special.

Friendship bracelets are typically made from colored cotton embroidery floss (although any similarly-sized thread type material will suffice).

Friendship bracelets are created by braiding or weaving colored thread into a long, thin band that can be fastened around your friend's wrist or ankle.

You can create various patterns from solid to chevron to stripes to zig-zags and more.

As you become more experienced with braiding friendship bracelets you will be able to figure out patterns on your own and create custom designs in colors your friends will LOVE.

Friendship Bracelet Easy Patterns For Beginners

Video tutorials make learning friendship bracelet patterns easy.  Follow these instructions to learn how to make a friendship bracelet step by step.

Here are a few basic friendship bracelet patterns to get you started:

Click Here For Chevron Pattern Friendship Bracelet

Click Here For Diamond Pattern Friendship Bracelet

Click Here For Candy Stripe Pattern Friendship Bracelet

Do You Do Crafts With Embroidery Floss?

Most friendship bracelets are made with embroidery floss, which comes in a variety of vibrant colors.

Here's a great source for embroidery floss.


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