Craft Fairs in Albuquerque - 2018, 2019, 2020, Today, and Tomorrow

Craft Fairs in Albuquerque - 2018, 2019, 2020, Today, and Tomorrow

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Are you looking for craft fairs in Albuquerque?  New Mexico is known for its arts and crafts scene, and I'll help you find a craft fair in Albuquerque.

Craft Fairs In Albuquerque

Albuquerque is host to a variety of arts and crafts fairs throughout the year.  From the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festival to the University of New Mexico Crafts Fair, you will find year-round arts and crafts fairs, shows, and events in both large and small venues all over Albuquerque.

Craft shows are a great way for artisans to sell and promote their products directly to local buyers.  It's a great way to keep the local economy strong while supporting artists right here in Albuquerque.

Craft shows are also a great way for local schools, churches, and other non-profits to raise money.

Some of the schools that have crafts fairs in Albuquerque are:

Be sure to check out the craft fairs at schools near you.

Some of the non-profit organizations and civic groups holding craft fairs in Albuquerque include:

Craft fairs are a great way for organizations to raise funds and raise awareness about their existence and mission statement.

Churches and other religious organizations also host craft fairs in Albuquerque.  Here's just a few:


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Craft Fairs In Albuquerque 2018

There were quite a few craft fairs in Albuquerque during 2018.

The Top 10 Arts and Crafts Fairs in Albuquerque 2018 were held by:

  1. North Valley Senior Center
  2. Holly Days Craft Fair
  3. Albuquerque Arts and Crafts Fair
  4. ASUNM Arts and Crafts Fair
  5. Hollyberry Arts and Crafts Fair
  6. Highland Winter Craft Show
  7. St. Mary’s Arts and Craft Fair
  8. New Mexico Arts and Crafts Fair
  9. Sandia Band Boosters Craft Fair
  10. Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festival

It looks like 2018 was a great year for craft fairs and craft shows in Albuquerque.


Craft Fairs In Albuquerque 2019

In 2019, Albuquerque had its share of arts and crafts fairs.

Here are the Top 10 Arts and Crafts Fairs in Albuquerque 2019:

  1. 2019 Arts and Craft Fair at Shrine of St. Bernadette
  2. Highland HS Arts and Crafts Fair — Albuquerque Public Schools
  3. 2019 Albuquerque Holiday Market
  4. 2019 St. Mark's Hollyberry Arts and Crafts Fair
  5. Holiday Show – Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festivals
  6. Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festivals
  7. Orchestra Craft Fair 2020, a Craft Show
  8. Sandia Band Craft Fair 2020, a Craft Show
  9. La Cueva Holiday Craft Show
  10. St Pius X - Christmas Craft Show

The year is nearly over, but it's clear that 2019 was a year when craft shows in Albuquerque were popular.


Craft Fairs In Albuquerque 2020

Here is a list of some of the crafts fairs planned in Albuquerque in 2020.

Some of the schools that have crafts fairs in Albuquerque scheduled for 2020 are:


albuquerque craft fair today

Craft Fairs In Albuquerque TODAY
(Continuously Updated)

>> Click Here To Find Craft Fairs In Albuquerque TODAY <<


Craft Fairs In Albuquerque Tomorrow
(Continuously Updated)

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Craft Fairs In Albuquerque Next Week
(Continuously Updated)

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Craft Fairs In Albuquerque Next Weekend
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Craft Fairs In Albuquerque This Month
(Continuously Updated)

>> Click Here To Find Craft Fairs In Albuquerque This Month <<


Craft Fairs In Albuquerque Next Month
(Continuously Updated)

>> Click Here To Find Craft Fairs In Albuquerque Next Month <<


albuquerque craft fair clay


Craft fairs and craft shows are a great way to spend time browsing with friends and family, meet like-minded people, and socialize with local craftspeople.

Schools, churches, non-profit organizations, and civic groups are frequent hosts of craft fairs new you.

Please support the arts and craft fairs near you; it keeps money in the local economy and rewards artists who work hard to provide us with creative and inspiring works of art.


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